Use "outvote|outvoted|outvotes|outvoting" in a sentence

1. The Democrats were outvoted, as usual.

2. The measure was outvoted.

3. France was outvoted on that issue.

4. Twice his colleagues have outvoted him.

5. Waddington's proposal was outvoted in the Senate.

6. His proposal was outvoted by 10 votes to

7. We objected strongly but were outvoted.

8. They feared that the numerous poor might outvote the few rich.

9. Britain was heavily outvoted on the issue.

10. The Government bowed to the inevitable after other countries threatened to outvote it.

11. If the Bill is outvoted, we are faced with dire prospects.

12. They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.

13. African, Arab or Asian countries, or indeed Europeans voting en bloc, can easily outvote the United States.

14. I was not prepared to agree that Britain could be outvoted on any substantive issue of foreign policy.

15. 27 They walked out in protest after being outvoted by the National Salvation Front majority.

16. The way to outvote them was to double the number of people who held to the old ways.

17. Boated coated denoted gloated toted floated quoted throated demoted misquoted promoted bloated noted voted devoted outvoted uncoated.

18. Richard and David tried to get the question put on the agenda but they were heavily outvoted.

19. But with 'one country one vote', African, Arab or Asian countries, or indeed Europeans voting en bloc, can easily outvote the United States.

20. ‘In the end the Authoritarians prevailed by consistently outvoting their opponents, and the libertarians were forced out.’ ‘That's normally been the strategy of the extreme right and the Authoritarians.’ ‘This enables the Authoritarians to bamboozle the people into thinking they are still free.’